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So you want to advertise on

That's great!

By displaying your banner ad on you expose your site to a select group of fun loving individuals like yourself.

q. Who can advertise on

a. Anyone who feels they have something of value to offer can advertise on this site. Unfortunately, I determine if the site has any value.

q. Who can't advertise on

a. Here's the list:

  1. Well, this is supposed to be a PG-16 site so no porno. Porno doesn't need to be advertised.
  2. If your site has a ton of junk ads and pop up crap forget about it. Even if the site has something of value, I hate over advertising.
  3. No get rich quick schemes. No one will ever click on the banner and it will be wasting space.


Advertising prices as of 1/2002:

1 month: $40/month*

6 months: $35/month x 6= $210 twice a year*
(save $60 a year!)

12 months (1 year): $30/month x 12 months= $360 yearly* (save $120 a year!!)

Here's the deal,
I'm only allowing for 5 ads per space at one time. Times that by 2 ad spaces , equaling 10 total ads. Which means buy a year contract because the space is limited! Also, it pays to buy in advance. As costs go up so do ad costs. This probably won't happen to often (or at all) but by paying in advance you don't have to worry.

What you get,
At the bottom and top of every page on this site has the same ads randomly appearing. Keeping the ad limit to five (at each location) makes them appear more often, which is a good thing.
Also, there is no limit of impressions a banner is to get.
There IS a limit on banner size, 468x68, with 460x68 being the standard size.
If you are sending me the banner it can't be more than 13k.
If the ad is on your server and you send me it's address it can be as big as you want.

Note: Advertising is not limited to banner ads. If you have an idea you think would work (excluding pop-up ads) drop me an e-mail.




*There is no refund for canceled ad campaigns.



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